The Hampshire County ASA Welfare Officer is Lynne Harrison. Contact e-mail address welfareofficer@hampshireswimming.org
The Hampshire County ASA is committed to providing an environment in which all children and young people participating in its activities have a safe and positive experience.
In order to achieve this, Hampshire County ASA agrees to:
- Adopt and implement the policies and procedures of Wavepower in full.
- Recognise that all children participating in the Hampshire County ASA (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have a right to enjoy their involvement in aquatics in a safe environment and shall be protected from harm.
- Ensure that all individuals who work with children in Hampshire County ASA, whether paid or voluntary, provide a positive, safe and enjoyable experience.
- Appoint a Welfare Officer with the necessary skills and training as outlined by the ASA who will take the lead in dealing with all child safeguarding matters raised within the organisation.
- Ensure that the Welfare officer’s name and contact details are known to all staff, members and parents of members.
- Ensure that the Welfare Officer is available to discuss issues of concern on matters of safeguarding and deal with such concerns appropriately and in line with Wavepower.
- Ensure that all individuals who work with children in Hampshire County ASA have undertaken the appropriate training, have the relevant DBS checks, and adhere to the required practices for safeguarding children as outlined in Wavepower.
- Ensure that all individuals who will be working with children or will work with children in Hampshire County ASA have been recruited in accordance with the ASA Safe Recruitment Policy.
- Ensure that all individuals who work with children in the organisation have the appropriate training, code of conduct and good practice to follow in line with the guidance in Wavepower.
- Provide all members of the organisation and parents of members with the appropriate opportunity to raise concerns in a safe and confidential manner if they have a concern about a Child’s welfare.
- Ensure that all child safeguarding matters, whether they be concerns about child welfare or protection, are dealt with appropriately in accordance with the guidelines for reporting and action in Wavepower.
- Ensure the confidentiality is maintained appropriately and in line with the best interests of the child.
- Ensure all papers relating to child safeguarding matters are held in a safe and secure manner.
Mental Health & Swimming – a guide to being able to participate in Aquatics for those with Mental Health issues
Asthma & Competitive Swimming – a guide on being able to swim competitively for those with Asthma
Safe Supervision of Swimming lessons – a guide to ensure the safety of swimming teaching and coaching activities.
Swimwear Guidance – a guide to cater for those swimmers who as a result of either their religious beliefs or a pre-existing medical condition would like to wear a swimsuit which would otherwise be considered “Illegal” at a competitive swimming event.
Mental Health Referral Guide Chart – a guide for anyone who has concerns regarding their own Mental Health or that of others.
What is a Swim England Friend? – What is a Swim England Friend and how they can help ASA members, or their parent or other representative in the case of junior members, faced with problems.
Swimming Pool Temperatures – a guide to recommended Pool Temperatures.
Swim England Medical Protocol – The Swim England Medical Protocol is a free of charge service offered to Swim England affiliated clubs. It can be accessed when a member under the age of 18 (“a child”) has a medical condition/issue that is causing difficulty, concern or is affecting their ability to take part in aquatics.
Skin Conditions and Swimming – This fact sheet covers how members are able to participate in swimming and other disciplines if you are living with some of the most common skin conditions.
Social Media Guidance for Clubs – This guide has been designed to provide an introduction to using social media, as well as recommendations of best practice to all Swim England club members and parents on the use of social media networking sites.
Coaches Referral Protocol – The Swim England process upon receiving concerns and queries with regards to coaching techniques for any aspect of Aquatics.
Safe Sport Events, Activities and Competitions – An NSPCC document designed to help you to ensure that you meet the safeguarding responsibilities for your event and take steps to promote the wellbeing of all participants and other young people involved, e.g. as volunteers or officials.
Instagram Safety – A Guide produces by Instagram to assist in safe use of the Site.
Facebook Flyer – A Guide produces by Facebook to assist in safe use of the Site.
So you got Naked on-line – An assistance document produced by South West Grid for Learning and UK Safer Internet Centre for anyone who finds themself in this situation. What to do and who to turn for assistance.
Snapchat Checklist – A Guide produces by Snapchat to assist in safe use of the Site.
Roblox Checklist – A Guide produces by Roblox to assist in safe use of the Site
Twitter Checklist – A Guide produces by Twitter to assist in safe use of the Site
KIDSMART Poster – A Poster giving tips on being safe on the Internet produced for children
Be-Safe-and-Smart-Online-Flyer – Top tips to help you get the best out of the internet while staying safe
Tiktok Checklist – A Guide produces by Tiktok to assist in safe use of the Site
H2B Safer on WhatsApp – A Guide produces by WhatsApp to assist in safe use of the Site
Eating Disorders In Sport – A guideline framework produced by UK Sport for practitioners working with high performance athletes
Parents-How-Safe-Are-Your-Children and Deter-CSE-in-Sport-Swimming – Two Guides produced by Sport England to assist in identifying possible Child Sexual Exploitation.
Wavepower Documents:
- Recommended New Member Checklist
- Photography and Filming Consent Form
- Medical Form Template
- Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians
- Code of Conduct for Children
- Code of Conduct for Committee Members
- Code of Conduct for Coaches and Teachers
- Behavioural Conduct Template
- Template reference form for positions working with children
- Safeguarding Policy Statement template
- Safeguarding poster for teens
- Safeguarding poster for children.
- Digital Copy of Wavepower 2020-2023
Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19 – Advice for parents, carers and people that work with children and young people. A summation of advice from various international organisations.
Coping with Self Harm – A Guide developed from talking to Parents and Carers of young people and is aimed at helping Parents, Carers, other Family Members and friends cope when a young Person is Self-Harming.