Travel and Subsistence Expenses Policy – Officials and Volunteers

Policy Statement

The Hampshire County ASA will pay travel and subsistence expenses of all officials and volunteers that are necessarily incurred when working at County Events and Meetings.

Payment of Expenses

  1. The payment of expenses shall be subject to the authorisation of the person responsible for the finances of the activity. For Discipline Events (Swimming, Diving, Synchro, Open Water, Water Polo), this is the Discipline Secretary appointed by the Management Committee. For other meetings or events, expenses shall be authorised by the County Treasurer
  2. Discipline Secretaries and other County Management Committee members may not authorise their own expenses, they shall be authorised by the County Treasurer or the County Chairman.
  3. All claims for expenses shall be made using the Hampshire County ASA Expenses Claims Form.
  4. The provision of Claims Forms is the responsibility of the event/meeting organiser.
  5. The relevant person, as stated above, shall authorise Claims Forms and forward them to the County Treasurer for payment.
  6. No claims for expenses, other than mileage, may exceed the individual’s actual expenditure, regardless of the sums mentioned below.


  1. Costs of travel expenses will be paid as follows:

    Private Car: claims may be made for the actual mileage at a mileage rate up to that set by the County Management Committee. The County does not take any responsibility whatsoever for the tax status of volunteers with HMRC or any other Tax Authority. The County does not undertake to log the mileage of its volunteers.

    Rail Travel and Public Road Transport – standard fare or discounted fares that are available and suitable.

    Air Travel – Economy class or lowest prevailing fares available by prior agreement with the relevant Budget Holder.

    Ferry – lowest prevailing fares.

    Car Park charges and Tolls, with receipts where possible.
  2. The origin and destination of all journeys shall be entered on the form so that mileage can be checked. Diversions, alternative routes etc. must be denoted on the form and the reason for the diversion etc. stated.
  3. Multiple journeys may be recorded on the same form provided they are for the same meeting/event and purpose.
  4. Claims for Rail, Public Transport, Air and Ferry journeys are to be accompanied by receipts.

Claims for travel expenses will only be authorised for County Events, if the claimant works a minimum of 1 session per day of the claim.

Accommodation and Subsistence

  1. Accommodation and Subsistence will be paid when one or more of the following applies:

    It is less expensive than travel from home on separate days.
    It is necessary, in order to set up for the event.
    It would mean the same driver would be driving in the morning and evening of the same day at times more than 13 hours apart.
  2. Where the above do not apply, it is allowable to claim for accommodation and subsistence up to the cost of the travel that would otherwise have been incurred.
  3. Where possible, budget hotels shall be used. The following rates for hotels and subsistence should be used, as a guide:

    Accommodation and breakfast: £80 (£100 if the room is shared with another person who could claim)
    Evening Meal: £20 (not to include the cost of alcoholic drinks).

    The guideline price may only be exceeded by prior arrangement with the discipline manager, or County Treasurer.
  4. All claims for accommodation and subsistence must be accompanied by receipts.
  5. It is expected that officials working at an event with more than one session per day will work all sessions on that day. Officials that work fewer sessions will be able to claim Accommodation and Subsistence expenses proportional to the number of sessions they work.
  6. Persons who need to be at the pool the previous evening or early in the morning for setting up may travel the day before the event and claim for accommodation


  1. All claims shall be made within 28 days of the expenditure/event. The County reserves the right to refuse to pay claims submitted after this period.
  2. Where people travel together in the same vehicle, only one claim for the travel can be made.
  3. Officials who attend an event for training or mentoring may not claim Accommodation and Subsistence expenses for that session as they are not working. However, they may claim for other sessions at which they are working as in paragraph 5 of Accommodation and Subsistence.
  4. Officials, who attend an event for training or mentoring only, may not claim travel expenses.

Issue 4 – June 2020

Download HCASA personal expense claim form